Un Message ?
The Radio

mardi 22 juin 2010

Petit SMS !

Un jour, tu reçois la monnaie, d'autres, tu paies le prix d'être un invendu.
Someday, you receive the money, others, the price of being an unsold.
Someday, you receive currency, others, the unsold's being price.
Someday, you receive the change, other one, the unsold's being price.
J'en ai profité pour retaper un peu le site ;)

En passant, petite pub :

Un petit groupe rencontré sur Paris pour la fête de la musique !
Quelques prises photos !

mardi 15 juin 2010

Singin' a Song

My only goal tonight is to kissin' you,
I fuck of exhibition or loughin',
Or Standin' Up who'll never changes anything.
I fuck of Slam, or fifty thousand girlies who say "I love You",
Who touch my ass or take out their suit.
I came for you my pearl
And I don't think to be a knight,
But if I don't kiss you tonight,
I'll surely become the crazy's left handle.